Accelerate Your Business with our Business Accelerators
Our engineers and scientists will use surveys to analyze your business processes to determine how AI ready is your organization. We will then work with you on a detailed project plan, pricing options, and deployment plan so you can get the appropriate budget approved within your organization.


Photo Captioning

Our AI engine can take a photo or a video and describe it. For instance it can look a photo and identify certain objects. It can tell you whether the photo was taken indoors or outdoors. It can say whether the people in the photo are smiling. E.g. captions are man in black shirt is playing guitar, construction worker in orange safety vest is working on road, two young girls are playing with lego toy, boy is doing back-flip on wake board, black and white dog jumps over bar, etc. Photo captioning for you will depend on what type of photos you capture and what sort of captions you want.

Photo Generators

Our engine is capable of generating photos and modifying existing photos by using a technique called style transfer. There are some consumer applications where people have developed applications that can take style of picaso and convert a normal picture into that artwork. Another example is where people have taken a Donald Trump face and made it morph into an Indian or Chinese. Our photo generation module can take the style picture you want to apply and train a system that can apply those styles to pictures you have or your users submit.


To be able to answer key questions from a repository of information in a human conversation style and personalized to your knowledge corpus is a dream of many organizations because it reduces the burden on customer service yet increasing the speed of answering a question. Our conversational AI module can be trained with common questions and answers and then train a chat bot that is designed to answer questions from your knowledge repository in a human style. For e.g. users can ask "How long is the warranty of product X" and the deep ML system can come back with "2 years" without encoding any rules.

Note Taking

Often large pieces of text or conversations need to be summarized into notes and it is a manual and time consuming task. Our note taking module can be trained to learn your style of note taking. You need to give us examples of text and the corresponding notes you took and then we can train a model to do that same.

Predict what next?

This is a more generic module but extremely powerful. Our engine given a sequence can be trained to predict what next will happen in that sequence. So for instance you feed it a list of actions a customer did on your product or site. The module can then come back and tell you what is the most likely action the customer can do next which can open a whole suite of applications and decision making. This module can be used in predictive keyboards, adaptive note taking, marketing, and churn.

Customer Behavior Segmentation

This module in our engine is capable of taking customer interaction logs and understanding what characteristics identify different group of customers. It can help you understand which marketing campaign works. What is not working. How to optimize a certain group of customers, and what email to send to them, etc.

Smart Contracts

Smart Contracts are applications that eliminate the need for an intermediary, and execute themselves based on pre-programmed conditions. AI can be used to add predictive power to smart contracts. Smart contracts can now predict when is it that an actor is about to default, and which transactions are fishy so more time is spent validating those transactions.


Our blockchain developers can help your company offer its own virtual currency. A good example of launching your own currency is sweatcoin. An app that rewards users for exercising. In return users can buy stuff from the app. Companies buy sweatcoin to place ads and give promotions to end users. Deep Learning can help in matching the right kind of promotions and offers.

Smart Supply Chain

Smart Contracts are applications that eliminate the need for an intermediary, and execute themselves based on pre-programmed conditions. AI can be used to add predictive power to smart contracts. Smart contracts can now predict when is it that an actor is about to default, and which transactions are fishy so more time is spent validating those transactions.


“Sublime AI's engine was impressive. It helped us deliver a very innovative mobile app to accompany our product lauch so that customers could engage by submitting AI enabled artwork for our new brand.”

Liza Jons

“Sublime Engineers were very hands on. I did not feel I was talking to a marketing team. We got straight to brainstorming. I got a crash course in deep learning which helped me map the platform's capabilites to the problems we had. We have just started with one AI deployment. However this is just the first of many to come.”

Mark Brown


Crash Course In Deep Learning
We first give you a technical but a very intuitive explanation of why deep learning is all the rage. What goes into building a deep learning system. What are the limitations and what are the opportunities. Our goal is to first educate you in deep learning so you can now speak more intelligently about this fascinating innovation in computer science.
Demo and overview of our Platform
We will demo the consumer applications we have built and loved by millions of users worldwide. We also then list the core capabilities of our engine so that you can start mapping where AI will apply in your organization.
Your current projects and priorities
This is where you tell us what is on your road map in the next month or two to deliver. We also seek to get access and understanding to your datasets and use cases. We will then take that and analyze those to come back with a proposal of what can be done in a realistic time line.


Photo Generators (e.g. Style Transfers)
Text Translators (e.g. labeling a sentence as informative or marketing or Spam)
Photo or Video Classification (e.g. labeling the video or image as inside, distracted, security breach, etc)
Object identification (e.g. identifying all objects in an image so now you can search and organize)
Customer Behavior Analysis (e.g. churn prediction, customer segmentation, next best action, etc)
Recommendations (looking at past behavior and recommending what to watch or read)
Chat-bots (to help reduce the cost of customer service)
Sentence mining (to process large quantities of text to find sentences with a certain sentiment or information type
Note takers (to process large amounts of text and reduce it to notes in your style)
Flaw detection (e.g. automotive, aviation)
Medical Diagnosis (e.g. Melanoma Screening and Detection, Brain Cancer Detection)

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